Sunday 22 December 2013

Bottle Feeding and Breast feeding Tips

The experience of breast feeding means more than just supplying a small person's stomach with needed nourishment. The smell and taste, the cuddling and warmth, the sight of her face and the sound of her voice all build up the concept of Mother in the baby's brain. Similarly, he will build up a mental image of Dad - a different, but also very important and loving person. 

Mothers sometimes worry in case their baby won't get enough milk. One of the attractions of bottle feeding is that you can see how much has gone down the small throat. There is more scientific evidence each year that 'breast is best', and most mothers can feed their babies successfully and enjoy doing so.

It is worth weighing the baby each week at first, to have the reassurance that he is in fact sucking as much as he needs., and it is very important for mothers to have enough sleep, drink plenty of water, fruit juice, or milk, and be as relaxed and happy as possible.

If is for some reason you to bottle feed your baby, you will find detailed directions on the container of the powdered formula. Health visitor or midwives are also available to advise about feeding and other management matters. Whether the feed is from the breast or the bottle, feed times should be happy, peaceful times, and the bottle-fed baby should receive the same sort of cuddling and attention as if he were breast fed.

A feed should not usually last more than 15-20 minutes. If the baby was not very hungry this time, he will probably take a bigger feed next time. Although rigid schedules for feeding three hourly or four hourly are not advised, most babies  settle in the first few weeks into a pattern of feeding  and sleeping which fits more or less with their parents' lifestyle.

A breast fedd baby's stool are usually bright yellow, but the new modified milk babyfeed  formulas may cause stools of a greyish or greenish color.  The number of times a day that baby opens his bowels is another thing each mother will get to know. Some babies dirty their nappy with every feed; others may only produce a motion three times a week. Longer than three days between motions may cause the stool to be hard and painful when it is passed. If this happens to your baby, ask your doctor or health visitor to advise you.

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